હાઉસમાં મંદિર મૂકવાનો શ્રેષ્ઠ દિશાસૂચન વાસ્તુ અનુસાર:આપણા ઘર માટે મંદિરની સ્થાનો માટે કઈ દિશાઓ શુભ અને અશુભ છે?

ઘરમાં મંદિર મૂલવા માટે શુભ દિશાઓ
- Northeast - According to Vastu, northeast is considered to be the most auspicious direction for the placement of a temple in the house as it is the direction where all the divine energy stays. Placing a temple in the northeast direction of a house will give you inner peace, mental clarity, good health and success in life.
- East - Vastu says that if it is not possible for you to place a temple in the northeast direction of your house then you can place it in the East direction. East is the direction from where the sun rises every morning which represents new beginnings and winning in all aspects of life. Placing a temple in the east direction of a house enhances positivity and energy; and gives a happy and healthy life.
- North - Another auspicious direction for placing a temple in a house is the North direction. Vastu Shastra says that placing a temple in the North direction can also give you auspicious results as the North direction is governed by the God Kuber, who is known as God of Wealth and Prosperity. Hence, placing a temple in a north direction can provide you with financial growth and success.
ઘરમાં મંદિર મૂકવાના અોપયોગી દિશાઓ
- Southwest - According to Vastu Experts, southwest is the most inauspicious direction to place a temple in the house as it represents stability, hence placing a temple in the southwest corner of the house can lead to spiritual loss and lack of mental clarity. The female members of a house can face psychological problems in their life.
- South - Following the southwest, South direction is also the inauspicious direction for the placement of a temple in a house as it represents fire elements that creates imbalance in a person’s life. Placing a temple in the south direction of a house can raise stress levels and may attract unnecessary conflicts.
- Southeast - Another inauspicious direction for placing a temple in a house is Southeast direction as it is associated with aggression and materialism. Placing a temple in the southeast direction of a house can increase negative emotions like anger and anxiety. In that case, people should avoid placing temples in the southeast corner of the house.
- Under staircases and Bedrooms - According to Vastu Shastra, people should avoid placing a temple of their houses under staircases, bedrooms or in front of the mirrors. As these places are considered to be impure and disrespectful for a temple, it may bring bad luck, misfortune, health problems, marriage conflicts, financial losses and more problems to the family.