बालकाच्या जन्मासाठी ४ सर्वात शुभ नक्षत्रे: 1. अश्विनी 2. रोहिणी 3. पुष्य 4. श्रवण

When a child is about to be born, it is important to determine an auspicious day for their birth, and in this, the role of the constellation (nakshatra) or the Moon is considered significant. In Vedic astrology, there are a total of 27 constellations, each with its own ruling deity. When a child is born, the constellation in which the Moon is located at that time plays a crucial role in determining the child's destiny. By accurately calculating and analyzing these constellations, you can benefit from various opportunities and address doshas (negative influences) using different remedies. These remedies often involve the use of specific deities, symbols, colors, and gemstones that are associated with the constellations.
After performing Vedic astrological calculations, each of the 27 constellations has its own significance. In ancient scriptures, they are often linked to the 27 daughters of Daksha. Based on one's birth star or nakshatra, their nature, lifestyle, qualities, and characteristics are associated with specific constellations. Accurate identification of the birth star is essential for precise astrological predictions.
Gandmool Nakshatras
: The Gandmool Nakshatras are considered inauspicious. These are Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Mula, and Revati. If a child is born under one of these constellations, it is believed that the parents must perform specific remedial actions to counter the negative effects, as these constellations are considered unfavorable for the child's well-being. Various remedies are available to mitigate these doshas.
Auspicious Nakshatras
: The auspicious nakshatras are Rohini, Ashwini, Mrigashira, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Uttara Bhadrapada, Uttara Sadha, Uttara Falguni, Revati, Shravana, Dhanishta, Punarvasu, Anuradha, and Swati. In these nakshatras, endeavors tend to yield positive results and bring favorable outcomes.
Medium Nakshatras:
Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha, Purva Bhadrapada, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Ashwini, Adra, Mula, and Shatabhisha are categorized as medium nakshatras. They are associated with ordinary outcomes.
Inauspicious Nakshatras
: Bharani, Krittika, Magha, and Ashlesha are considered inauspicious. These constellations are believed to be unfavorable, and endeavors conducted under their influence may not yield successful results.
In this way, some nakshatras are considered auspicious for birth, while others are believed to be less favorable. Vedic astrology places significant importance on the constellations of the Moon for determining a person's destiny. By accurately identifying a person's birth star and considering their placement in their birth chart, astrologers can provide more precise predictions and recommendations. The classification of these nakshatras into categories of Devas, Humans, and Rakshasas is based on their qualities and tendencies, which influence a person's character and behavior.
गर्भधारणेसाठी सर्वात शुभ काळ
According to astrology, everyone desires to have a good and fortunate child. Parents have certain expectations for their offspring. Specific dates have been suggested to help determine the type of child one can conceive. These are based on the specific nakshatras (constellations) that govern those dates.
- • For a Normal Child: The nights of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, and 13th.
- • For a Prosperous Child: The nights of the 9th and 10th.
- • For a Humble Child: The night of the 12th.
- • For a Sacred Child: The night of the 14th.
- • For a Wealthy Child: The night of the 15th.
- • For a Talented Child: The night of the 16th.
नक्षत्रे आपल्याला काय सांगतात?
In Vedic astrology, there are 27 nakshatras, divided into four categories. Each nakshatra is ruled by a specific planet or deity. The nakshatras affect various aspects of an individual's life. These categories are:
- • Physical Nakshatras:
- • Spiritual Nakshatras:
- • Psychological Nakshatras:
बच्चांवर जन्म घेण्यासाठी चार सर्वोत्तम नक्षत्रे:
Ashwini Nakshatra:
- • Symbol: The head of a horse.
- • Rashi (Zodiac Sign): Aries.
- • Element: Earth.
- • Gan (Nature): Deva.
- • Ashwini Nakshatra individuals are strong and dynamic, quick thinkers with excellent problem-solving skills. They have a great sense of control and a knack for recognizing familiar objects. These qualities make this nakshatra one of the best for childbirth.
Bharani Nakshatra:
- • Symbol: The vulva or female reproductive organ.
- • Rashi: Aries.
- • Element: Earth.
- • Gan: Manushya.
- • Bharani Nakshatra individuals are known for their honesty and often struggle to find words when needed. Astrologers believe that individuals born under this nakshatra have a bright, courageous, and compassionate future, making it one of the best for childbirth.
Pushya Nakshatra:
- • Symbol: A cow's udder.
- • Rashi: Cancer.
- • Element: Water.
- • Gan: Deva.
- • People born under Pushya Nakshatra have the qualities that define the best nakshatras for childbirth. They are considered tejasvi (brilliant), dignified, and capable of providing energy to those around them.
Magha Nakshatra:
- • Symbol: A palanquin.
- • Rashi: Leo.
- • Element: Water.
- • Gan: Rakshasa.
- • Magha Nakshatra individuals are recognized as prestigious and honorable. Their leadership qualities make them suitable for bringing significant change to the world. Hence, this nakshatra is considered one of the best for childbirth.
These nakshatras are associated with specific attributes and characteristics that are desirable for parents seeking a child. The choice of the nakshatra for childbirth can significantly impact the child's qualities and future.