Since India's independence, the Congress party has had significant influence, but in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, they won only 44 seats, and in 2019, they secured 52 seats. Now, taking the split in the Congress party under Indira Gandhi on 2 January 1978 as a reference, we will analyze the horoscope. The chart shows the ascendant rising and the Moon conjunct with Rahu in Virgo. During this period, Congress's horoscope will be under the influence of Guru-Rahu-Guru dasha from 17 February to 26 June. This involves Guru (Jupiter) in the ascendant forming a relationship with the Sun, the lord of the sixth house, and Venus, the ruler of the eighth house, in the fourth house of the Congress party's horoscope, leading to significant challenges in winning the Lok Sabha elections. However, the sub-period lord Rahu forming a favorable yoga with the fifth lord Moon indicates a potential increase in their seats.