गुरू चांडाल योग समजून घेणे: ज्योतिषात प्रभाव आणि उपाय गुरू चांडाल योग म्हणजे ज्यात गुरु ग्रह (बृहस्पती) आणि चांडाल ग्रह (कडी, राहू किंवा केतू) यांचा संगम होतो. या योगाचे अनेक प्रभाव असतात, जे व्यक्तीच्या आयुष्यात विविध प्रकारे प्रकट होऊ शकतात. विशेषतः, हा योग आर्थिक, मानसिक आणि आध्यात्मिक स्तरावर आव्हाने निर्माण करू शकतो. प्रभाव: 1. आर्थिक संकट: गुरू चांडाल योगामुळे आर्थिक समस्या उद्भवू शकतात. 2. मानसिक अस्थिरता: व्यक्तींच्या मनते अस्थिरता येऊ शकते, ज्यामुळे निर्णय घेण्यात अडचण येते. 3. सामाजिक वर्तन: काहीवेळा व्यक्तींच्या सामाजिक वर्तनात बदल घडू शकतो, ज्यामुळे ते समाजातून वर्ज्य ठरू शकतात. उपाय: 1. धार्मिक कार्ये: नियमित पूजा-पाठ आणि धार्मिक कार्ये केल्याने या योगाचे दुष्परिणाम कमी होऊ शकतात. 2. दान: विशेषतः राहू किंवा केतूच्या संबंधित वस्तूंचे दान करणे लाभदायक असू शकते. 3. मंत्रांचे जाप: "ॐ गुरु भ्यो नमः" या मंत्राचे जाप करणे किंवा प्रार्थना करणे यामुळे सकारात्मक ऊर्जा प्राप्त होऊ शकते. या उपायांनी व्यक्ती आपल्या जीवनात सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आणू शकतो आणि गुरू चांडाल योगाच्या प्रभावाला कमी करायला मदत होते.

According to astrology, if Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in someone's horoscope, the person may have to face many problems and negative thoughts continually arise in their mind. It is said that Guru Chandal Yoga is considered the most negative yoga if Jupiter and Rahu are situated together in a person’s horoscope. This results in the person constantly facing troubles. This yoga exerts its negative effects when it occurs in the ascendant, fifth, or ninth house of the horoscope. If remedies for Guru Chandal Yoga are not performed in time, it can also destroy other auspicious yogas forming in the horoscope.
गुरू चांडाल योग कसा तयार होतो? गुरू चांडाल योग त्या वेळी तयार होतो जेव्हा गुरु ग्रह (बृहस्पती) चांडाल ग्रह (राहु किंवा केतू) च्या सान्निध्यात येतो. या योगामुळे व्यक्तीच्या जीवनावर अनेक प्रभाव पडू शकतात. हा योग व्यक्तीच्या आत्मविश्वास, बुद्धिमत्ता आणि अध्यात्मिक वाढीवर परिणाम करू शकतो. चांडाल योगाच्या प्रभावामुळे व्यक्तीला काही अडथळ्यांचा सामना करावा लागतो, पण योग्य निर्णय घेतल्यास या योगाच्या नकारात्मक परिणामांवर मात केली जाऊ शकते.
- • Guru Chandal Yoga is formed when Jupiter and Rahu are situated together in the horoscope.
- • The influence of Rahu affects the intellect, causing the person to perform all tasks in a contrary manner and tarnishing their character.
- • Students face numerous problems in their studies.
- • Guru Chandal Yoga causes frequent disputes and tension between father and son.
- • The person often faces difficulties in making the right decisions.
- • The person may frequently encounter financial-related problems throughout their life.
- • The person constantly faces challenges in all aspects of their life.
गुरू चांडाल योगाच्या लक्षणे -
Astrology shows that if Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in a person's horoscope, they have to face many troubles in life, repeatedly suffer from character defamation, and endure many difficulties. Those with Guru Chandal Yoga in their horoscope face significant issues in enjoying the comforts of buildings or land, home, family, and friends. Despite being intelligent, children encounter numerous problems in their studies. The person also faces many obstacles and troubles in their job or business. Sometimes, due to Guru Chandal Yoga, the person undergoes financial hardships. Astrologers say that Guru Chandal Yoga has the most negative impact on people of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Pisces.
गुरू चांडाल योगाचे परिणाम -
- • The formation of Guru Chandal Yoga diminishes all the auspicious qualities in the person’s horoscope and enhances negative traits.
- • This yoga weakens the person's character.
- • Often, the person becomes surrounded by serious diseases and appears troubled due to being religiously corrupted.
- • In a woman’s horoscope, if Guru Chandal Yoga is formed, it makes her marital life akin to hell, and all her happiness is destroyed.
गुरु चंडाल योगासाठी उपाय-
- • If Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in a person's horoscope, to avoid its effects, one should offer water to the Sun early in the morning.
- • They should read the Hanuman Chalisa daily and always seek blessings from their elders.
- • Wearing a yellow sandalwood tilak on the forehead and a turmeric necklace is also recommended.
- • For relief from Guru Chandal Yoga, one should wear Rudraksha or yellow sapphire as advised by an astrologer.
- • To mitigate Guru Chandal Yoga, one should daily worship Lord Shiva and definitely recite the Vishnu Sahasranama.