होरा शास्त्राचे रहस्य उलगडणे: ज्योतिषात होरामध्ये सामर्थ्याचा उपयोग करणे

In astrology, Hora is considered a crucial aspect. Often, due to the unavailability of auspicious Muhurat (timings), important ceremonies are delayed, and the Hora Chakra (Hora cycle) is used to address this issue. It is believed that actions performed during the Hora time are as effective as those performed in auspicious Muhurats. Hence, Horashastra is seen as a means to successfully complete tasks. From one sunrise to the next, there are 24 Horas, with 12 Horas counted from one sunrise to the next. Each day's first Hora is dedicated to the ruling planet of that day, and the next Hora corresponds to the sixth day from that day.
- • First Hora - Moon
- • Second Hora - Saturn
- • Third Hora - Jupiter
- • Fourth Hora - Mars
- • Fifth Hora - Sun
- • Sixth Hora - Venus
- • Seventh Hora - Mercury
- • Eighth Hora - Moon
होरा महत्व: होरा म्हणजेच ज्योतिषशास्त्रात वापरण्यात येणारी एक प्रणाली आहे, जी व्यक्तीच्या जीवनातील विविध पैलूंचे विश्लेषण करण्यास मदत करते. होरा किव्हा जन्मकुंडलीचे महत्व अनेक कारणांमुळे आहे: 1. **जीवनातील घटनांचे पूर्वाभास**: होरा प्रणालीच्या मदतीने जन्मतारीख, काळ आणि स्थान यांचा विचार करून व्यक्तीच्या आयुष्यातील महत्वाच्या घटनांचे पूर्वाभास करता येऊ शकते. 2. **वैयक्तिक गुणधर्म**: होरा प्रणाली व्यक्तीच्या वैयक्तिक गुणधर्म आणि स्वभावाचे विश्लेषण करते, ज्यामुळे कोणत्या क्षेत्रात व्यक्तीला यश मिळू शकते याचा अंदाज लावला जातो. 3. **संबंध विश्लेषण**: होरा वापरुन व्यक्तीच्या संबंधांचे विश्लेषण करता येते, ज्यामुळे पारिवारिक, मैत्री, आणि व्यावसायिक संबंधांमध्ये चांगले किंवा वाईट कालखंड ओळखता येतात. 4. **स्वास्थ्य आणि मानसिकता**: होरा प्रणाली व्यक्तीच्या स्वास्थ्य आणि मानसिक स्वास्थ्याचेही विश्लेषण करण्यास मदत करू शकते. 5. **आर्थिक स्थिती**: होरा द्वारे व्यक्तीच्या आर्थिक स्थिती आणि भविष्यातील आर्थिक संधींचा अंदाज लावला जाऊ शकतो. सारांश, होरा हे ज्योतिषशास्त्रातील एक महत्त्वाचे घटक आहे जे व्यक्तीच्या जीवनात अनेक आयामांचे विश्लेषण करण्यास मदत करते.
- • Sun Hora : Wearing ruby during Sun Hora is considered very auspicious. This time is ideal for applying for government jobs, political work, election-related activities, and government-related tasks.
- • Moon Hora : Wearing a pearl during Moon Hora is considered highly beneficial. It is believed that any work performed during this time encounters no obstacles, such as household chores, public relations work, social services, and domestic activities.
- • Mars Hora : Wearing coral or hessonite during Mars Hora is considered very auspicious. This time is suitable for court cases, police work, judicial matters, administrative tasks, and buying property.
- • Mercury Hora : Wearing emerald during Mercury Hora is beneficial for writing work, banking, education, and business activities.
- • Jupiter Hora : Wearing yellow sapphire during Jupiter Hora is considered auspicious for conversing with high officials, marriage-related activities, and purchasing new clothes.
- • Venus Hora : Wearing diamond during Venus Hora is ideal for buying jewelry, working in the arts, gold and silver business, entertainment, and acquiring new clothes.
- • Saturn Hora : Wearing blue sapphire or garnet during Saturn Hora is beneficial for starting new businesses, housewarming ceremonies, acquiring vehicles, and judicial matters.
होरा लग्न म्हणजे काय?
According to astrology, if the Ascendant (Lagna) or its sign is malefic up to 15 degrees, it is considered as the Hora Lagna of the Sun. If the Ascendant is malefic and its sign ranges from 16 to 30 degrees, it is considered the Hora Lagna of the Moon. If an even sign is present in the Ascendant and it is up to 15 degrees, it is considered the Hora Lagna of the Moon.
होरा शास्त्राचे परिणाम
Astrology recognizes 24 Horas in a day and night, corresponding to the 24 hours. Each hour is dedicated to a specific planet. The first Hora of each day is dedicated to the ruling planet of that day, for instance, the first Hora on Sunday is of the Sun, and the first Hora on Monday is of the Moon. The Hora influences tasks based on the ruling planet's nature. It is believed that planets like Jupiter, being the largest, followed by Mars and then Saturn, move and exert their influence according to their size and importance.
Astrologers believe that the rulers of Hora are divided into two groups: Mercury, Venus, and Saturn in one, and Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter in the other. The Hora continues, influencing the results connected with the planets. If the ruling planet of the Hora is afflicted, significant obstacles may arise in accomplishing tasks.
होरा राशीवर आधारित भाकिते
- • If all cruel planets are present in the Sun's Hora, it creates a favorable situation, making the native wealthy, courageous, and brave.
- • If both gentle and cruel planets are present in the Horas of the Sun and Moon, the native will receive mixed results.
- • If all gentle planets are present in the Cancer sign's Hora, the native will receive uniform results and will have a gentle nature, making them wealthy, happy, and prosperous.
- • If all cruel planets are present in the Cancer sign's Hora, it creates an adverse situation, making the native perform base deeds, and rendering them unhappy and poor.