लग्न विरुद्ध राशी फरक: त्यांच्या अर्थाची, प्रभावाची समजून घेणे

In Vedic astrology, kundli is based on birth chat, which has 12 houses. A chart is made by looking at the rashis where the planet lies at the time of the birth of the native. While looking at rashi of rising sun during the time of birth, it is referenced as ascendant (Lagna). Understanding the distinction between Lagan and Rashi can be perplexing for many individuals; this is the fundamental knowledge of kundli for interpreting the birth chart. If you possess the clear insight to interpret a kundli, carefully study the information below. It will help you understand the differences between rashi and lagna.
लग्न म्हणजे काय?
Lagna is present in the first house of birth chart, basically referring to the number written in the first house. Lagna, in other words, is also called ascendant, which means the star sign (or rashi) that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
Lagna represents the first house in Kundli and determines a person's self-concept, personality, character, and outward appearance. It forms the basis of an individual's personality, reflecting both how they view themselves and how others see them. This home represents physical characteristics, well-being, and general energy, disclosing elements like height and beauty. The first house establishes the foundation for a person's life path, influencing objectives and aspirations as well as demonstrating initiative and drive in taking charge of new endeavors. It draws attention to a person's passions and interests as well as their degree of independence and self-assurance. Moreover, it is a major factor in determining
By understanding the attributes of ascendant rashi, it is easy to understand a person’s personality, sense of individuality, and inner concepts, as the first house represents the self of any person.
राशी म्हणजे काय?
Rashi is defined as the planetary position of the moon during the birth of the native. This basically depicts the psychological, emotional, and internal characteristics of a person. In the birth chart, wherever the moon (Chandra) is situated, it is considered to be the rashi of the person. To understand this, the exact date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth are required. The results of events involving human interactions are significantly influenced by rashi. It also has an impact on family-related matters and relationships with family members.
The approximately 3600 signs in the zodiac are split up into 12 rashis. The following table lists the rashis in alphabetical order, along with their lord name.
1. Rashi: Aries (Maish) -> Lord: Mars (Mangal)
2. Rashi:Tauras (Vrish)-> Venus (Shukra)
3. Rashi:Gemini (Mithun)-> Mercury (Budh)
4. Rashi:Cancer (Kark)-> Moon (Chandra)
5. Rashi:Leo (Singh)-> Sun (Surya)
6. Rashi:Virgo (Kanya)-> Mercury (Budh)
7. Rashi:Libra (Tula)-> Venus (Shukra)
8. Rashi:Scorpio (Vrishik)->Mars (Mangal)
9. Rashi:Saggitarus (Dhanu)-> Jupiter (Guru)
10. Rashi:Capricon (Makar)-> Saturn (Shani)
11. Rashi:Aquarius (Kumbh)-> Saturn (Shani)
12. Rashi:Pisces (Meen)-> Jupiter (Guru)
लग्न आणि राशी यामध्ये तुलना भारतीय ज्योतिषशास्त्रात, लग्न आणि राशी हे दोन्ही महत्त्वाचे घटक आहेत, परंतु त्यांचा अर्थ आणि उपयोग वेगळा असतो. 1. **लग्न**: - लग्न म्हणजे ज्यावेळी जन्म घेतला जातो, त्या क्षणी आकाशात उभ्या असलेल्या राशीला लागलेला हा बिंदू आहे. - हे पांढरे वर्तुळ (लग्न) सार्वजनिक जीवन, व्यक्तिमत्व, आरोग्य आणि शारीरिक उपयोजनाशी संबंधित आहे. - लग्नामुळे आपल्या व्यक्तिमत्वावर आणि इतरांवर आपला प्रभाव कसा पडतो हे दर्शविते. 2. **राशी**: - राशी म्हणजे १२ राशींमध्ये आपला सूर्यास्त, चंद्र, आणि इतर ग्रहांचे स्थान. - प्रत्येक राशीला विशिष्ट गुणधर्म, गुण आणि उर्जा असते. - राशी दर्शवते की आपल्या जीवनातील वैयक्तिकता, भावना आणि मनोवृत्तीत कसे बदल होऊ शकतात. **सारांश**: लग्न आपल्या व्यक्तिमत्वाचा बाह्य आवड आणि प्रभावित करणारा घटक आहे, तर राशी आपल्या अंतःकरणातील भावना, आवडीनिवडी आणि जीवनाचे उद्दिष्टे दर्शविते. ज्योतिषशास्त्रात दोन्ही घटकांचे महत्त्व आहे, आणि यांचा योग्य प्रकारे समजून घेतल्यास जीवनातील विविध अनुभवांचे व्यवस्थापन करण्यात मदत होते.
A person's spirit and mind are symbolized by Rashi, while their physical body is represented by Lagna. Lagna is essential for evaluating significant life events since it shows growth potential and viability, especially marriage. It affects things like having children and having good relationships. On the other hand, Rashi is a powerful indicator of how people respond to different circumstances and is used to make predictions about daily life. Lagna is connected to masculine characteristics, whereas Rashi is connected to feminine characteristics. Thus, Rashi determines the will and emotional responses required to pursue a role, whereas Lagna may give the physical traits required. When combined, Rashi and Lagna provide nearly every detail about an individual. Together, they stand for a person's body and psyche.