मंगलदोषांचे किती प्रकार आहेत?

According to astrology, a horoscope can contain various types of doshas, which are considered inauspicious for the individual as they cause several problems in life. One such dosha is the Manglik Dosha. Very few people know that there are different types of Manglik Doshas, each with a distinct impact. In this discussion, we will explore the different types of Manglik Doshas.
मंगल दोषांचे प्रकार:
1. सामान्य मंगल दोष:
If Mars is situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in a person's horoscope, a general Manglik Dosha is present.
2. दुहेरी शक्तीचा मंगलीक दोष:
If Mars is in its debilitated sign Cancer in any of the houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th) and also has conjunction with the Sun, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, it creates a double strength Manglik Dosha.
त्रिसुत्री सामर्थ्य मंगलीक दोष:
If Mars is in any of the houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th), is in its debilitated sign Cancer, and is also accompanied by Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, then the Manglik Dosha is threefold, known as the triple strength Manglik Dosha.
मांगलिक दोषाचे लक्षणे:
- • If Mars is in the 1st house, the person tends to have an angry and arrogant nature.
- • If Mars is in the 4th house, the person faces a lack of happiness and persistent family problems.
- • If Mars is in the 7th house, the individual encounters many difficulties and challenges in marital life.
- • If Mars is in the 8th house, the person experiences troubles, marital issues, unhappiness with in-laws, and a lack of comfort.
- • If Mars is in the 10th house, the individual faces numerous problems in married life, health issues, a short lifespan, many diseases, and frequent disputes.
मंगलिक दोषासाठी उपाय:
- • To mitigate Manglik Dosha, offer sweet milk at the root of a banyan tree on Tuesdays and apply wet soil to your forehead as a tilak.
- • If a woman has Manglik Dosha, she should marry a Peepal tree or an idol of Lord Vishnu to neutralize the dosha. This ritual is crucial and should be done without the father performing the kanyadaan, as the girl marries her chosen partner afterward.
- • A man with Manglik Dosha should wear a silver bracelet with a copper nail without any joints, and a woman should wear a red-colored silver bracelet on her left hand to nullify the dosha.
- • Women should observe the Mangala Gauri fast to lessen Manglik Dosha.
- • It is recommended for individuals to recite the Hanuman Chalisa daily.
- • Wearing a coral gemstone can help reduce the effects of Manglik Dosha.
- • On Tuesdays, individuals should donate wheat, copper, gold, red clothes, and other items to diminish the impact of Manglik Dosha.