रात्रीच्या आघातांचे समजून घेणे: कारणे, ज्योतिषीय अंतर्दृष्टी आणि उपाय
According to our scientists, the reasons behind nightmares are still mysterious, as no one has fully understood why nightmares occur. Scientists have discovered various reasons why individuals experience nightmares. It is said that daily life stress can be a reason behind nightmares. Children may experience nightmares due to school-related stress, and adults due to work-related worries. Additionally, experiencing traumatic events such as serious accidents or receiving bad news about someone's death can also lead to nightmares.
रात्रीच्या दिव्यातील स्वप्नांच्या कारणे:
According to astrological science, eating on the bed is considered inauspicious, as it can lead to nightmares due to the generation of negative energy in the house. Astrologers believe that if there is a Pitru Dosha (ancestral curse) in the horoscope, it can also cause nightmares.
अनेक इतर घटक दुःस्वप्नांना महत्त्वपूर्ण योगदान देऊ शकतात, जसे की:
- • Mental health: Individuals suffering from mental health issues, such as PTSD, often experience severe nightmares, which include traumatic and disturbing events.
- • Stress and anxiety: Individuals who are sad, anxious, and in stressful situations are prone to nightmares. Those who have been under prolonged stress or anxiety experience more frequent nightmares.
- • Medications: Individuals who excessively use certain prescription or illegal drugs are more likely to have nightmares.
- • Familial reasons: Genetic issues related to mental health can also cause nightmares.
- • Lack of sleep: Insufficient sleep can lead to vivid and disturbing dreams.
दुष्ट स्वप्न केव्हा येतात?
According to astrology, nightmares start occurring from the age of about 2 years. Nightmares usually occur during the sleep cycle between 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM. However, both children and adults can frequently experience nightmares, such as being chased by a frightening person or animal.
स्वप्नद्रष्टा संज्ञेविषयीचा ज्योतिषीय संबंध कोणता आहे? ज्योतिष शास्त्रानुसार, स्वप्न आणि विशेषतः दुष्ट स्वप्नांचे विश्लेषण केले जाते. जन्मतारखा आणि ग्रह स्थितीच्या आधारे, व्यक्तीच्या स्वप्न परिसरात असलेल्या चिन्हांचा प्रभाव सौम्य किंवा तीव्र असू शकतो. काही ग्रह, जसे की कर्ज देणारा राहू, कधी कधी दुष्ट स्वप्नांशी जोडले जातात, कारण ते असामान्यतेचा संकेत देतात. याशिवाय, चंद्राच्या चक्राचा देखील स्वप्नांवर मोठा प्रभाव असतो, कारण चंद्र मानवी भावनांचा प्रतिनिधी आहे. काही व्यक्तींना त्यांच्या जन्मतारखानुसार ज्या ग्रहांचा प्रभाव असतो, त्या ग्रहांच्या स्थितीमुळे दुष्ट स्वप्ने येऊ शकतात. जर एखाद्या व्यक्तीच्या जन्मतारख्यात नकारात्मक ग्रहांचा प्रभाव असेल, तर त्यांना अशांत अनियोजित स्वप्ने भासू शकतात. सामान्यतः, ज्योतिष शास्त्राला विश्वास असेल तर आत्मा, शरीर आणि मन यांच्यातील संतुलन राखण्यासाठी, योग्य ग्रहांची पूजा, ध्यान व साधना करणे महत्त्वाचे आहे. यामुळे दुष्ट स्वप्नांचे प्रमाण कमी व्हावे आणि चांगली स्वप्ने येऊ शकतात.
Astrology suggests that if an individual is going through a bad phase of the Sun's Mahadasha (major period), they are prone to nightmares. A weak position of the Sun in the horoscope is considered to influence the frequency and nature of dreams. Strengthening the Sun's Mahadasha by offering water to the Sun daily and chanting the Sun mantra can help. It is particularly beneficial to offer water to the Sun on Sundays to please the Sun deity.
Some astrologers believe that if the phase of Mercury is weak, it can also lead to nightmares, including dreams of teeth falling out or bones breaking.
दुखद स्वप्न टाळण्यासाठी उपाय:
- • Astrologers suggest placing alum wrapped in a black cloth under the bed before sleeping to avoid nightmares.
- • It is said that placing a piece of alum under the pillow on a Tuesday can prevent children from having nightmares.
- • Burning camphor before going to sleep each night can lead to good sleep and relieve stress.
- • Reading the Hanuman Chalisa daily can gradually stop nightmares.
- • Astrologers advise not to sleep with feet facing south or east, and not towards the door, as it can lead to health and prosperity issues. Sleeping with the head towards the east can enhance wisdom, and towards the south can bring peace of mind, good health, and prosperity.
- • Keeping a knife or a sharp object under the pillow can prevent scary dreams.
- • Circling a raw coconut over one's head seven times and donating it to a temple, or doing the same with a black or white blanket 21 times and donating it to someone needy can prevent nightmares.
- • It is believed that everyone should eat dinner two hours before bedtime. Eating light and Sattvic food can help in getting good sleep.
- • Chanting Hanuman mantra on Saturday and tying a black thread around the big toe can prevent negative dreams.