राजयोग आणि ज्योतिष: त्याचा प्रभाव आणि प्रकार समजून घेणे

Upon hearing the term "Rajayoga," individuals often envision lives of regal splendor and grandeur. Astrologers suggest that when Rajayoga occurs in a horoscope, it brings the individual prestige, high status, all comforts, inner peace, and satisfaction. Rajayoga signifies not only worldly progress but also spiritual advancement. It is said that Rajayoga brings wealth, high status, honor, and prosperity to an individual's life. Astrologers acknowledge famous Rajayogas such as Panch Mahapurusha Yoga, Neechabhanga Rajayoga, Gajakesari Rajayoga, and Viparita Rajayoga. Moreover, there are other significant Rajayogas that deliver similar benefits.
किसी ज्योतिषी शास्त्रानुसार, जन्मकुंडलीमध्ये अनेक प्रकारचे राजयोग असतात. राजयोग म्हणजे उच्च दर्जाचे योग ज्यांचा प्रभाव व्यक्तीच्या जीवनावर सकारात्मकपणे पडतो. मुख्यतः खालीलप्रमाणे काही प्रकारचे राजयोग आहेत: 1. **राज योग** - ज्यामुळे व्यक्तीला राजकीय, सामाजिक वा आर्थिक फायदा मिळतो. 2. **कंजक योग** - ज्यामध्ये धनवान व्यक्तीचे गुणधर्म प्रकट होतात. 3. **दुर्गा योग** - ज्यामुळे व्यक्तीला संरक्षणात्मक शक्ती मिळते. 4. **गच्छक योग** - ज्यामुळे व्यक्तीला चांगली परिस्थिती मिळण्याची शक्यता असते. 5. **सिद्ध योग** - ज्यांनी आपले जीवन यशस्वीपणे सिद्ध केले आहे. याशिवाय अनेक दुसरे योग देखील आहेत. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीची जन्मकुंडली वेगळी असते आणि त्यानुसार राजयोगांचे प्रभाव सुद्धा भिन्न असू शकतात.
According to astrological texts, there are various types of Rajayogas, each with its own significance. Here we will learn about them:
- • Hamsa Yoga : Jupiter's position in the birth chart creates Hamsa Yoga, which endows the individual with spirituality, wisdom, and longevity.
- • Ruchaka Yoga : If Ruchaka Yoga forms in the horoscope, it assists the individual in gaining wealth, fame, and a strong character. This yoga is based solely on the position of Mars.
- • Bhadra Yoga : Bhadra Yoga forms according to Mercury's position in the horoscope. This yoga makes an individual an eloquent speaker and confers social honor and prestige.
- • Malavya Yoga : Venus's position leads to the formation of Malavya Yoga, which brings luxury and a prosperous marital life to the individual.
- • Sunapha Yoga : Sunapha Yoga forms if, excluding the Sun, another planet is located in the second house from the Moon.
- • Shasha Yoga : Shasha Yoga forms from Saturn. If Shasha Yoga exists in the horoscope, it leads to good fortune in politics and makes the individual a prominent leader.
- • Anapha Yoga : Anapha Yoga forms when any planet, excluding the Sun, is located in the twelfth house from the Moon.
- • Durdhara Yoga : Durdhara Yoga is considered a combination of Sunapha and Anapha Yoga, where planets, excluding the Sun, occupy the second and twelfth houses from the Moon.
- • Vesi Yoga : Vesi Yoga occurs when a planet, excluding the Moon, is located in the second house from the Sun. The auspiciousness depends on the planets in the second house. If benefic planets are together in the second house, the individual achieves success through hard work.
- • Vasi Yoga : Vasi Yoga forms when a planet, excluding the Moon, is located in the twelfth house from the Sun, promoting spiritual and intellectual development.
- • Ubhayachari Yoga : Astrologers say that Vesi and Vasi Yoga together form Ubhayachari Yoga. If favorable planets occupy both the second and twelfth houses compared to the Moon, the individual enjoys fortune.
- • Dhana Yoga : Dhana Yoga, as the name suggests, brings substantial wealth to an individual's life.
- • Chandra Yoga : Chandra-Mangal Yoga forms when these two are together in the same house, leading to significant wealth accumulation. The financial status remains strong.
- • Trikona Yoga : The formation of Trikona Yoga grants government privileges and success in life, enriching the individual with good fortune and prosperity.
राजयोगाचे कुंडलीतील फायदे:
- • Aries Ascendant : If Mars and Jupiter are located in the ninth and tenth houses in the horoscope of an Aries ascendant, Rajayoga is formed.
- • Taurus Ascendant : For those with a Taurus ascendant, if Venus and Saturn are stable in the ninth and tenth houses, it bestows royal-like luxuries and the Rajayoga formed by Saturn is considered very auspicious.
- • Gemini Ascendant : If in the horoscope of a Gemini ascendant, Mercury and Saturn come and are positioned in the ninth and tenth houses, the individual gets to live a life akin to that of a king.
- • Cancer Ascendant : For a Cancer ascendant, if the Moon and Jupiter are located in the ninth and tenth houses, it creates a Trikona Rajayoga. This yoga grants the individual respect and prosperity in life.
- • Leo Ascendant : In the horoscope of a Leo ascendant, if the Sun and Mars are present in the ninth and tenth houses, it forms a Rajayoga that is influential.
- • Virgo Ascendant : If Mercury and Venus are situated in the ninth and tenth houses in the horoscope of a Virgo ascendant, it brings the pleasures of Rajayoga to the individual's life.
- • Libra Ascendant : If Venus and Mercury are located in the ninth and tenth houses in a Libra ascendant's horoscope, the individual receives abundant fortune and enjoys all comforts and wealth.
- • Scorpio Ascendant : If in the Scorpio ascendant's horoscope, the Sun and Mars are situated in the ninth and tenth houses, the individual enjoys all the luxuries of life akin to a king.
- • Sagittarius Ascendant : If the Sun and Jupiter are located in the ninth and tenth houses in the horoscope of a Sagittarius ascendant, Rajayoga is formed. This Rajayoga provides a good life filled with immense wealth and peace.
- • Capricorn Ascendant : If Mercury and Saturn are found in the ninth and tenth houses in the horoscope of a Capricorn ascendant, Rajayoga is formed.
- • Aquarius Ascendant : In the horoscope of an Aquarius ascendant, if Venus and Saturn come together and are located in the ninth or tenth houses, it creates Rajayoga, offering the individual a chance to live a life similar to that of a king.
- • Pisces Ascendant : If Jupiter and Mars are located in the ninth and tenth houses in the horoscope of a Pisces ascendant, it leads to the formation of Rajayoga.