श्रावण व्रत - काय खावे आणि काय खाऊ नये श्रावण मासात अनेक भक्त व्रत ठेवतात. या काळात योग्य आहार घेतल्याने तंदुरुस्त राहता येते. खाली काय खावे आणि काय खाऊ नये याबाबत माहिती दिली आहे. **काय खावे:** 1. साबुदाणा - साबुदाणा खिचडी, साबुदाणा वडे 2. फलाहार - बासुंदी व फळांचे किव्हा रस 3. पोटॅटो - उकडलेले शेंगदाणे, बटाटे 4. दही - दही, ताक किंवा झुंडी 5. हलवा - गहू किंवा काबुली चना वाटाण्याचा हलवा **काय खाऊ नये:** 1. मांसाहार - सर्व प्रकारचे मांस आणि मासे 2. तणावजनक पदार्थ - लसूण, प्याज़ 3. गोड पदार्थ - चॉकलेट, आइस्क्रीम 4. धुम्रपान आणि मद्यपान श्रावण व्रत हे श्रद्धेसोबत केले जाते. त्यामुळे व्रताच्या काळात आहाराची योग्य निवड करणे महत्त्वाचे आहे.

People of Hindu faith consider the Shravan month to be highly sacred. During this month, devotees worship and offer prayers to Lord Shiva and observe fasting. It is believed that Lord Shiva is very kind and quickly accepts the devotion of his followers, fulfilling all their wishes and desires. Many Hindus observe the Shravan Monday fast, but it is important to know what should and shouldn’t be eaten during this fast. Let’s discuss this in detail.
उपवास कसा करावा:
On each Monday or daily, you should visit a Shiva temple and offer prayers with lamps, incense, fruits, and flowers while keeping the fast throughout the day. Perform abhishekam (ritual bathing) of the Shiva Lingam with milk and offer bel leaves. In the evening, break your fast with sweet food, and the next day, after worshipping Lord Shiva, donate to the needy according to your wishes. It is necessary to complete the fast according to the vow you have taken. It is said that those who follow the rules and worship with devotion will have all their desires fulfilled. During this fast, one should wear white clothes, use white sandalwood for tilak, and donate white items. Donating items such as milk, ghee, curd, kheer, rice, buttermilk, white sandalwood, sweets, and misri (crystal sugar) brings happiness to the home.
उपास्यतेची पद्धत:
Perform the same ritual of worship daily throughout the month. Start by worshipping Ganapati, then proceed to worship Lord Shankar, followed by Durga, Lord Vishnu, and finally the Navagrahas (Nine Planets). Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” 3, 7, or 11 times. Recite “Om Namah Shivaya” and the “Mahamrityunjaya” mantra daily during the Shravan month.
श्रावण सोमवारीच्या व्रताचे महत्त्व:
The Shravan month is considered the best time for worshipping Lord Shiva, and Mondays during this month hold special significance. It is believed that observing a fast and performing worship on Mondays makes Lord Shiva pleased and he fulfills the wishes and desires of his devotees.
उपवासादरम्यान काय खावे:
Those observing the fast should consume only fruits throughout the day. Seasonal fruits like apples, mangoes, bananas, and raw coconut, curd, buttermilk, or lassi can be included in the fruit-based diet. To break the fast in the evening, you can have sabudana khichdi, kheer, lauki or pumpkin curry, boiled potato tikki, or halwa. Use only rock salt (sendha namak) during this time
उपवासादरम्यान काय खाऊ नये:
During the Shravan month, one should avoid tamasic (heavy) foods, especially on Mondays. Do not consume green vegetables. Eggplant and pointed gourd are also considered inauspicious. Avoid foods made with excessive spices or besan (gram flour) and do not use regular salt.