ज्योतिषातील रत्नांचे आवश्यक मार्गदर्शक: फायदे आणि घालण्याचे टिप्स
Astrology believes that wearing gemstones is highly beneficial for the peace of the planets. Wearing gemstones according to one's zodiac sign can reduce the effects of malefic planets, but all gemstones should be worn with full adherence to rules, as wearing gemstones without following the rules can also have adverse effects. If you are going to wear a gemstone, it is essential to first know all the related information.
ज्योतिषात रत्ने महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावतात. प्रत्येक ग्रहाशी संबंधित विशिष्ट रत्ने असतात, ज्या त्या ग्रहांच्या ऊर्जा आणि प्रभावांना उत्तम प्रकारे संतुलित करण्यास मदत करतात. ज्योतिषशास्त्रानुसार, योग्य रत्न धारण केल्याने व्यक्तीच्या आयुष्यात चांगले परिणाम कमी आणि वाईट परिणाम कमी करण्यात मदत मिळू शकते. रत्नांमध्ये अद्वितीय गुणधर्म असतात, जे व्यक्ति विशेषाच्या ग्रहांच्या स्थितीच्या आधारे कार्य करते. उदाहरणार्थ, स्फटिक, पांढरा मोती, पुखराज, नीलम, यशब, आणि अन्य रत्ने व्यक्तीच्या आरोग्य, व्यवसाय, प्रेमसंबंध, आणि मानसिक शांततेसाठी सकारात्मक प्रभाव निर्माण करण्यासाठी वापरली जातात. अर्थातच, रत्नांचे मूल्य आणि प्रभाव वैयक्तिक अनुभवावर अवलंबून असते, आणि योग्य मार्गदर्शन मिळवणे आवश्यक आहे. त्यामुळे, ज्योतिषाच्या ज्ञानासह रत्ने धारण करणे व्यक्तीच्या जीवनात सकारात्मक बदलाव आणू शकते.
According to astrology, gemstones are considered to be of great importance in life. If a person is troubled by the adverse effects of a planet in their life, then wearing gemstones is advised. It is said that various types of gemstones can be used for pacifying planets. It is believed that wearing gemstones can protect a person from the negative effects of planets and also help overcome difficulties in life. Did you know that there are different gemstones for the 12 zodiac signs, which are worn according to one's zodiac sign to have a positive effect? Now, let's learn about the gemstones related to this.
ग्रहांशी संबंधित मौल्यवान रत्ने
- • Manik (Ruby) - Sun.
- • Moonga (Coral) -Mars.
- • Panna (Emerald) - Mercury
- • Pukhraj - Jupiter
- • Heera - Venus
- • Neelam (Sapphire) - Saturn
- • Gomed (Hessonite) - Rahu
- • Lahsunia - Ketu
रत्नकांस्य म्हणजे काय?
In astrology, gemstones are considered to be imbued with divine energy that benefits the life of the individual. Different types of gemstones are recommended for pacifying planets in astrology. Gemstones and jewelry are attractive and influential to women. Due to their unique properties, gemstones are used in the creation of jewelry, fashion, designing, and in the field of astrology.
रत्नांच्या प्रकार:
- • Sapphire - This captivating gemstone is related to loyalty and nobility. Sapphire is available in various colors, each representing different qualities; for example, yellow sapphire brings prosperity, and pink sapphire symbolizes love.
- • Diamond - Considered the most favored gemstone of women, diamonds are known for their brilliance and durability. They symbolize purity, power, and eternal love. In astrology, diamonds are associated with clarity of thoughts and positive energy.
- • Emerald - Emeralds are green to greenish-brown and are seen as symbols of rebirth and fertility. They are believed to promote healing, growth, and harmony. According to astrology, emerald is connected to Mercury and is thought to enhance communication skills and intelligence.
- • Ruby - In astrology, ruby is known as the king of gemstones due to its qualities of passion and vitality. It is said to boost courage, energy, and leadership qualities. Ruby is associated with the Sun in astrological practices and brings success and fortune in life.
- • Amethyst - Amethyst has a purple color and is associated with spirituality and intuition. It is believed to promote peace, balance, and mental clarity. Amethyst is related to the Pisces zodiac sign and is known to provide inner peace.
- • Pearl - Pearls are considered organic, formed inside oysters. They are associated with purity, innocence, and emotional balance. Pearls are often worn as jewelry and help enhance the wearer's inner beauty.
- • Opal - Known for its colors, opal displays rainbow-like hues. It symbolizes creativity, inspiration, and spontaneity. Wearing this gemstone is said to bring joy and positive energy into the wearer's life.
- • Aquamarine - Aquamarine matches the calm blue of the sea. It is said to enhance feelings of courage and emotional security. It is related to the throat chakra and is believed to improve communication.
- • Topaz - Topaz is available in several colors. It is associated with abundance of energy and confidence. Blue topaz is known to enhance communication, while yellow topaz attracts wealth and prosperity.
- • Garnet - Garnet comes in various colors, with deep red being the most common. This gemstone symbolizes protection, strength, and passion and is believed to boost confidence and vitality.
रत्ने घालण्याचे नियम:
- • Pearl Gemstone - For the peace of the Moon planet, the pearl gemstone is worn. This gemstone should be set in a gold or silver ring and the weight of the ring should not be less than 4 carats.
- • Ruby Gemstone - To strengthen the Sun planet, the ruby gemstone is worn. This gemstone should be of more than 3 carats weight. It should preferably be worn in a gold ring of at least 5 carats.
- • Coral Gemstone - For the peace of Mars, wear a coral of at least 8 carats. This gemstone should be set in a gold ring of at least 6 carats. Coral is considered effective for 3 years.
- • Emerald Gemstone - For the peace of Mercury, it is advised to wear an emerald gemstone of at least 6 carats.
- • Yellow Sapphire Gemstone - To receive the blessings of Jupiter, wear a yellow sapphire of at least 4 carats. It can be set in a gold or silver ring.
- • Diamond Gemstone - To strengthen the Venus planet, the diamond gemstone is worn. A 1-carat diamond should be worn in a gold ring of at least 7 carats. Its effect lasts for about 7 years.
- • Blue Sapphire Gemstone - To reduce the effects of Saturn, wear a blue sapphire of 4 or more carats. The sapphire should be set in an iron ring. Its effect lasts for 5 years.
- • Hessonite Gemstone - For the peace of Rahu, it is recommended to wear a hessonite gemstone. It should be of 4 carats or more and can be worn in a ring made of eight metals or silver.
- • Cat's Eye Gemstone - To pacify Ketu, wearing a cat's eye gemstone is advised. Ensure it is at least 4 carats. It should be worn in a ring made of five metals or iron, weighing at least 4 carats.
कोणत्या अंगठीत कोणता रत्न घालावा:
- • Index Finger - Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
- • Middle Finger - Blue Sapphire (Neelam), Hessonite (Gomed)
- • Ring Finger - Ruby (Manik), Coral (Moonga), Cat's Eye (Lehsunia)
- • Little Finger -
रत्ने वापरण्याचे फायदे: 1. **शारीरिक आरोग्य सुधारते**: रत्नांचे धारण करण्याने शारीरिक ताण कमी होतो आणि आरोग्यात सुधारणा होते. 2. **मानसिक स्थैर्य**: रत्ने मानसिक ताकद वाढवतात आणि चिंता तसेच तणाव कमी करतात. 3. **उर्जेतील वाढ**: रत्ने सकारात्मक ऊर्जा फेलवतात आणि नकारात्मकतेपासून संरक्षण करतात. 4. **ताण कमी करणे**: काही रत्नांचे धारण केल्याने ताण कमी केला जातो, ज्यामुळे व्यक्ती अधिक शांत राहतो. 5. **आध्यात्मिक विकास**: काही रत्नांच्या वापराने आध्यात्मिक वृद्धी साकारणे शक्य आहे. 6. **संबंध सुधारना**: योग्य रत्नामुळे व्यक्तिगत तसेच व्यावसायिक संबंध सुधारण्यात मदत होते. 7. **अवांछित ऊर्जा दूर करणे**: रत्ने अवांछित किंवा नकारात्मक ऊर्जा दूर करण्यात सहायक ठरतात. 8. **शुभ फळे देणे**: विविध रत्न संस्कृतीनुसार शुभ मानली जातात, ज्यामुळे त्यांना वापरण्यामुळे सकारात्मक परिणाम मिळण्याची शक्यता असते. रत्ने वापरणे हे अनेक चांगल्या गोष्टींचा स्रोत ठरू शकते, त्यामुळे त्यांचा योग्य वापर करण्याची शिफारस केली जाते.
- • Gemstones are worn for planetary peace.
- • The influence of gemstones provides the wearer with physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
- • Wearing gemstones brings happiness, peace, prosperity, and wealth into life.
- • Wearing gemstones helps the wearer to get rid of various kinds of diseases.
- • Gemstones have a favorable impact on life.
- • Wearing gemstones brings positivity into the wearer's life.
रत्तापाषाणांशी संबंधित सावधगिरी:
Astrologers believe that gemstones always attract humans. From centuries past to the present, people have used gemstones to enhance the beauty of clothes, homes, jewelry, palaces, crowns, and thrones, etc., and as remedies suggested by astrologers, which also bring many benefits. However, gemstones can also produce negative results. In such situations, individuals may face various difficulties in their lives such as financial, physical, and mental challenges. Therefore, we advise you to wear gemstones only after consulting with an astrologer.