मार्स दोशाचे परिणाम समजणे: उपाय आणि समाधान

Meaning of Mars Dosha
Mars Dosha is known by various names such as Manglik Dosha, Kuja Dosha, and Chevvai/Sevvai Dosha, with Mangal Dosha being considered the most powerful and influential. According to our astrological scriptures, the nature of the Sun, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu planets is considered inauspicious. The Mars planet is considered quite aggressive by nature and is believed to have a wrathful impact on people. When Mars is positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of a person's birth chart, it is called Manglik Dosha. This Dosha is present in approximately 42% of birth charts. Some astrologers wrongly propagate the idea that Manglik Dosha adversely affects the marital life of individuals, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and even divorce. Additionally, some believe that Manglik Dosha gets nullified at the age of 28.
मंगलिक दोषाचा व्यक्तीवर होणार प्रभाव
A person with Manglik Dosha tends to be stubborn, expressing themselves as always right. They harbor more anger and tend to engage in arguments. It is said that when both partners in a marriage have Manglik Dosha in their birth charts, it creates a balance in their desires. However, if only one of the partners has Manglik Dosha, it can create disparities in their desires.
जन्माच्या कुंडलींचे समांतर आणि मंगलीक दोष
It is advised to analyze the position and auspiciousness of planets in the 7th house during pre-marital horoscope matching. The 7th house represents the spouse and the 4th house signifies happiness and compatibility in marriage. The position of Mars and the influence of two specific constellations are also considered.
मंगल दोषाचे प्रकार
- High Manglik Dosha: If Mars is positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in the birth chart or Moon chart, it is considered a High Manglik Dosha. Individuals with this Dosha may face numerous challenges.
- Low Manglik Dosha: If Mars is in one of the mentioned houses in the birth or Moon chart, it is considered Low Manglik Dosha or Partial Manglik Dosha. According to astrologers, this Dosha usually resolves on its own after the age of 28.
मंगलिक दोषाचे वेगवेगळ्या घरांमध्ये परिणाम
- First House/Ascendant: Manglik Dosha in the ascendant can lead to conflicts, physical violence, and the possibility of the person leaving the house.
- Second House: Manglik Dosha in the second house may indicate the potential for the spouse's death and obstacles in the financial aspect.
- Fourth House: In the fourth house, Manglik Dosha affects family life, causing disturbances and challenges.
- Seventh House: Manglik Dosha in the seventh house makes the person irritable, impacting all family members, children, and relatives adversely.
- Eighth House: Manglik Dosha in the eighth house makes the individual lazy, careless, and prone to mishandling wealth, despite a frugal nature.
- Twelfth House: In the twelfth house, Manglik Dosha results in numerous enemies, causing mental distress to the individual.
मंगल दोष तपासण्यासाठी, जेणेकरून व्यक्ती मांगलीक आहे की नाही हे ठरवता येईल, तुम्ही खालील पद्धतींचा अवलंब करू शकता: 1. **जन्म कुंडली तयार करा:** व्यक्तीची जन्म तारीख, वेळ आणि स्थान वापरून त्यांची जन्म कुंडली तयार करा. 2. **मंगलाची स्थिती तपासा:** जन्म कुंडलीमध्ये मंगळ ग्रह कोणत्या राशीत आहे ते तपासा. जर मंगळ ग्रह 1, 4, 7, 8 किंवा 12 ह्या भावांमध्ये असेल तर ती व्यक्ती मांगलीक मानली जाते. 3. **संबंधित ग्रहांची तपासणी:** इतर ग्रहांसोबत मंगळाची स्थिती आणि संबंध देखील तपासा. काही वेळा इतर ग्रहांच्या प्रभावामुळे मंगल दोष कमी होऊ शकतो. 4. **पंडितांची मदत:** अधिक अचूकतेसाठी, योग्य पंडित किंवा ज्योतिष तज्ञाची मदत घ्या, ज्यांना ग्रहांची स्थिती आणि त्यांचे परिणाम याबाबत ज्ञान असलेले असेल. ही पद्धती वापरून तुम्ही व्यक्तीच्या मांगलीक स्थितीची अंतिम माहिती मिळवू शकता.
Firstly, the birth chart (kundali) of the individual needs to be found, and the birth chart consists of 12 houses. If Mars is present in any one of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses, then Mangal Dosha is present in the birth chart.
To determine if a person is Manglik, one can use Manglik calculators available on the internet. Alternatively, this information can also be obtained through Kundli matching, which requires accurate details about the date and time of birth.
मंगळिक व्यक्तींचा स्वभाव कसा असतो?
- • Manglik individuals tend to get angry over trivial matters.
- • They have a harsh way of speaking.
- • They are passionate about their work.
- • They are not afraid of conflicts and fights.
मंगल दोषाचे उपाय कसे करावे? मंगल दोष म्हणजे जन्मकुंडलीतील मंगल ग्रहामुळे होणारे काही दुष्परिणाम. हे उपाय करून आपण मंगल दोष कमी करू शकतो: 1. **पौर्णिमा पर मॉं दुर्गा यांचं पूजन**: प्रत्येक पौर्णिमेला दुर्गा देवीचे पूजन केल्यास मंगल दोष कमी होतो. 2. **मंगळ ग्रहाची आराधना**: मंगळ ग्रहाची आराधना करण्यासाठी प्रत्येक मंगळवारी मंगळनाथाचे विशेष उपासना करणे उपयुक्त आहे. 3. **उपवास**: मंगळवारी उपवास केल्यास आणि संपूर्ण दिन मोठा दिवस म्हणून मनन केल्यास मंगळ दोष दूर होतो. 4. **माणिक्य हीरा**: माणिक्य हे मंगळ ग्रहाचे रत्न आहे. योग्य रीतीने माणिक्य धारण केल्यास मंगळ दोष कमी होतो. 5. **हनुमान चालीसा**: रोज हनुमान चालीसा वाचन केल्यास शुभ प्रभाव मिळतो. 6. **कौटुंबिक कार्य**: घरातील सर्व सदस्यांच्या सहकार्याने धार्मिक कार्य करणे आणि एकत्र येऊन पूजा करणे. याशिवाय, व्यक्तिगत खोटी अन्वेषणे करून तज्ज्ञांची मदत घेणे देखील उपयुक्त आहे.
If a person has Mangal Dosha in their birth chart, they can consult a knowledgeable astrologer to learn about the worship and rituals for Mangal Dosha removal. It is crucial to have accurate information about the date and time of birth.
Some remedies according to astrology include:
- • Observing Vat Savitri and Mangala Gauri fasts is beneficial.
- • Manglik individuals can wear a coral gemstone (moonga) to mitigate the effects.
- • Reciting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra can help overcome the negative influences of Mangal Dosha.
- • Applying kumkum on a Shiva Linga on Tuesdays and offering red roses or red lentils can also be effective.
- • Performing Hanuman Ji's worship on Tuesdays can reduce Mangal Dosha.
- • Opting for marriage symbols like a banana tree, peepal tree, or marrying with gold or silver coins can bring relief from Mangal Dosha.
- • If there is a partial Mangal Dosha in the birth chart, conducting a puja in the temple is advisable.
- • Observing a fast on every Tuesday is recommended.
- • Chanting mantras and visiting temples regularly is beneficial.
- • Seeking advice from a qualified astrologer and wearing gemstones as per their suggestions can also be considered.