वास्तुच्या अनुसार लिव्हिंग रूमसाठी शुभ चित्रकला: शुभ आणि अशुभ दिशांचे लाभ आणि माहिती

वास्तुशास्त्रानुसार लिव्हिंग रूमसाठी शुभ चित्रं
सात घोड्यांचे चित्रे
- • Auspicious direction - The seven horse painting should be framed on the south wall of a living room for success in career and financial growth.
- • Inauspicious direction - When you place seven horse paintings in the north-west direction of a living room, you can face financial instability.
- • Benefits - Attracts wealth, career growth and prosperity into the house.
उदयगामी सूर्याचे चित्रे
- • If you want to keep the Vastu of your living room correct and also want to give it an aesthetic look, you can place a Rising Sun Painting in your living room. The painting should have shades of red, orange and yellow depicting a rising sun amidst mountains or a calm field.
- • Auspicious directions - The rising sun painting should be framed on the east wall, symbolizing new beginnings.
- • Inauspicious directions - If you place the rising sun painting on the west wall of a living room, it can lead to less or missed opportunities.
- • Benefits - Boosts energy and promotes growth and success.
स्वान चित्रांचे जोडपे
- • Auspicious directions - The pair of swan paintings should be framed on the south-west wall of a living room.
- • Inauspicious directions - An individual should never keep a pair of swan paintings on the north wall as it creates misunderstandings in relationships.
- • Benefits - Strengthens relationships and love among family members.
हत्तीची चित्रकला
- • Elephant paintings, particularly those that show them with their trunks lifted, are symbolic of wealth and the lifting of barriers. Golden, white, or earthy hues are the best choices for elephant paintings since they represent consistency and confidence. When depicted in pairs, elephants stand for family harmony and love.
- • Auspicious directions - The elephant painting should always be framed on the north wall of a living room as it brings wisdom and stability to the family.
- • Inauspicious directions - An elephant painting should never be framed on the west wall of a living room as it blocks the way of wisdom and stability.
- • Benefits - Prevent negative energy from entering the home and bring wisdom.
मोरांची चित्रकला
- • Peacocks are admired for their grace and beauty, representing wealth, elegance, and love. The living room can become more attractive and vibrant with a picture of a peacock in vivid blue and green tones. Additionally, it encourages artistic expression and creativity. It adds a sense of peace and happiness if the peacock is seen dancing or in a calm position.
- • Auspicious directions - The peacock painting should always be framed on the south-east wall as it brings elegance and good fortune to the house.
- • Inauspicious directions - The peacock painting should never be framed on the north or west walls as it can disturb marital harmony and happiness.
- • Benefits - Encourage spiritual growth and mental clarity.