आपण लिविंग रूममध्ये देवाच्या मूळ्या ठेवाव्यात का: लिविंग रूममध्ये देवाची मूर्ती ठेवण्याचे शुभ आणि अशुभ परिणाम

गृहकक्षेत देवांच्या मूर्ती ठेवण्याचे शुभ परिणाम 1. सकारात्मक ऊर्जा: देवाच्या मूर्त्या आपल्या घरात सकारात्मक ऊर्जा आणि शांती आणतात. 2. मानसिक शांती: देवाची पूजा केल्याने मनाची स्थिरता साधता येते आणि ताण कमी होतो. 3. स्नेहभाव: परिवारातील सदस्यांमध्ये प्रेम आणि स्नेह वाढतो. 4. आयुष्याचा उद्धार: देवाची आराधना केल्यावर जीवनात सकारात्मक बदल घडतात. 5. दैवी संरक्षण: घरात देवांच्या मूर्ती ठेवल्याने दैवी संरक्षण मिळते आणि नकारात्मक ऊर्जांचा प्रभाव कमी होतो. 6. स्फूर्ती मिळवणे: देवाची मूर्ती पाहिल्यावर मनालाच नव्हे तर आत्माला स्फूर्ती मिळते. 7. उत्तम आरोग्य: भक्तीमुळे शारीरिक आणि मानसिक आरोग्यावर सकारात्मक परिणाम होतो. देवांच्या मूर्ती कशा ठेवायच्या याचे योग्य स्थान व दिशा लक्षात ठेवणे महत्त्वाचे आहे, ज्यामुळे घरात अधिक सकारात्मकता आणि शांती निर्माण होते.
- Panchmukhi Hanuman - Keep an idol or frame of panchmukhi hanuman in your living room. When you keep the idol in your living room or near the main entrance, lord will protect your family from every problem.
- Lord Kuber - You can place an idol, frame or yantra of lord kuber in your living room in order to receive blessings from him. Keeping an idol of lord kuber will give you wealth and prosperity.
लिव्हिंग रूममध्ये देवतेच्या मूर्त्या ठेवण्याचे अशुभ परिणाम
- Shivlinga - Keeping a shivlinga in the living room of your house is considered to be inauspicious according to Vastu because the Lord has a high level of positive energy that is why he is always placed in the cool place or in the temples. Placing a shivlinga in the house can result in aggression, anxiety and depression.
- Goddess Kali - According to Vastu, keeping an idol of Goddess Kali in the living room of a house is considered to be inauspicious as Maa Kali represents anger and can lead to aggression and conflicts between the family members. Although you can keep the idol in your house temple.
- Goddess Bhairav - As you’ve read in above the disadvantages of keeping Maa Kali idol in living, same goes with the Goddess Bhairav.
रहाण्या खोलीत ठेवलेले देवता जे तटस्थ परिणाम देतात
- Goddess Lakshmi - When you keep an idol of Goddess Lakshmi in your living room, you may get many ideas to create more money. When on the one hand placing Goddess Lakshmi idol in the living room gives auspicious results, it also leads to financial losses on the other hand.
- Lord Ganesha - When you keep an idol of Lord Ganesha in your living room, you may get less troubles than before in your family. Apart from auspicious results, the idol also gives inauspicious results like you won’t be able to fight with the obstacles coming to your family.
वास्तु टिप्स लक्षात ठेवण्यासाठी:
- • Keep the Tulsi Plant outside the house, you can keep it on the stair or balcony of your house.
- • Never keep the text of Mahabharat in your house or house temple, it creates conflicts in the family.
- • Do not place a shivlinga in your house temple, it may create problems for you.
- • Always keep your temple in the east or northeast corner of your house to receive good luck in life.
- • Do not wear God printed clothes as you may face highly negative results at the time of shani mahadasha.