पंक्तीवर पैशांची रेखा समजून घेण्याची पद्धत म्हणजे त्या रेषेची स्थान, लांबी आणि आसपासच्या इतर रेषांसोबतच्या नात्यांचा विचार करणे. 1. **पैशांची रेखा कुठे आहे**: तुमच्या हाती पैशांची रेखा सामान्यतः तळहातीच्या वरच्या भागात, जीवन रेषेबाजूला असते. 2. **रेखाची लांबी**: पैशांची रेखा जितकी लांब असेल तितके तुम्हाला आर्थिक स्थिरता आणि समृद्धी मिळण्याची शक्यता अधिक आहे. लहान रेखा असलेल्या व्यक्तीला आर्थिक आव्हानांचा सामना करावा लागला असू शकतो. 3. **रेखेतल्या वक्रता**: पैशांची रेखा वक्र असल्यास, तुम्ही तुमच्या आर्थिक स्थितीत लवचिकता दर्शवत आहात. म्हणजेच, तुम्ही परिस्थितीला अनुकूल बनवू शकता. 4. **इतर रेषांसोबतचे नाते**: अगर तुम्ही तुमच्या पैशांच्या रेखेसोबत इतर रेषांची तुलना करता, तर तुम्हाला आर्थिक परिस्थितीत बदल आढळू शकतात. उदाहरणार्थ, भाग्याची रेखा किंवा जीवन रेषेची दिशा सर्वात महत्त्वाची ठरते. 5. **गडद ठिकाणे किंवा भेद**: पैशांच्या रेषेत गडद ठिकाणे किंवा भेद असल्यास, ते आर्थिक अडचणींचे संकेत असू शकतात. या पद्धतींचा वापर करून तुम्ही आपल्या हातातील पैशांच्या रेषेचे विश्लेषण करू शकता आणि तुमच्या आर्थिक भविष्यवाण्या समजून घेऊ शकता.

- • Wavy Money Line: If someone's money line in the palm is wavy or irregular, it indicates that stability in wealth or luck in life may not be consistent. The formation of this line suggests that the individual may experience changes in business throughout their life until they find their desired business. You may face failures in business and employment in your life. It is advised to be cautious, avoid negligence in work, and stay alert.
- • Straight Money Line: Even though the money line in the palm is straight and deep, individuals with such a line succeed in creating multiple options for joining intelligence and accumulating wealth. Astrologers believe that after the age of 30, there is a possibility of earning money from various sources. For instance, if the Sun line in the palm is completely straight, it indicates success in acquiring both name and fame. However, regardless of the quality of the money line, hard work is essential to achieve wealth.
- • Broken Money Line: If the money line in your palm is broken, it indicates that you may face several difficulties in your job or business. Individuals with a broken money line may lack self-confidence. They may need assistance from others in their work or office. Astrologers believe that decisions should not be made solely based on the money line; it is crucial to consider the positions of other lines to accurately predict outcomes.
- • Money Line Going Away from the Thumb: If a line originating from the money line in the palm goes away from the thumb and reaches the base of the palm, it is considered auspicious. Individuals with this formation are successful in accumulating wealth through their hard work. This money line suggests the potential for running a good and successful business, and for those in employment, it is considered a favorable sign.
- • Money Line Touching or Crossing Another Line: If a line originating from the money line in the palm touches or crosses another line, it is considered auspicious. This suggests that individuals will earn money and accumulate wealth through their efforts and diligence. This is considered a favorable sign for those in business and a good omen for those in employment.
- • Money Line Near the Thumb: A money line close to the thumb indicates that the individual may face financial difficulties. It is recommended to be cautious with financial matters and manage expenses wisely.
- • M Sign in the Palm: The formation of an M sign on the palm, where the lifeline, heart line, and head line converge, is considered auspicious. This M sign is also known as the "Money Sign," and it is associated with financial success. Individuals with this sign are believed to be successful in accumulating wealth, and they are considered hardworking and quick in completing tasks.
- • Lines Near the Thumb: If lines near the thumb in the palm are forming a money line, it is considered auspicious. This suggests that individuals will be successful in both earning and saving money.
- • Lines Near the Index Finger: Lines forming near the index finger are also considered auspicious for wealth accumulation. It indicates that individuals will be successful in their financial endeavors and may achieve prosperity.
- • Lines Going towards Mercury Mount: If a line originating from the money line in the palm goes towards the Mercury mount (near the little finger), it is considered auspicious. This suggests that individuals will gain wealth through their intelligence and communication skills.