घरातून नजर काढण्याचे वास्तु टिप्स: आपल्या घराची स्वच्छता करण्यासाठी उपाय

तुमच्या घरावर वाईट नजरेचा परिणाम आहे का?
- Take a proper tour of your home by keeping a lemon in your hand, afterwards keep the lemon in a glass full of water. Place the glass outside your home or balcony or terrace overnight. If the colour of lemon turns to black, then someone has their evil eyes on your house and if the colour of lemon remains the same, congratulations, you are safe. Remember to perform the activity after the sunset in the evening.
- Another sign that your house has some negative energies is getting cracks, dampness or termites on the walls of your house.
- Put a pinch of salt and vinegar in the glass full of water, keep it under any hidden place in your house overnight. Next morning, check whether the colour of the water changes to dark or remains the same. If the colour turned a little darker, then your house has someone’s evil eyes and if colour remains the same then your house is safe.
- For another tip, you’ll again need a glass of water and a lemon. Take a lemon and dip it into the glass of water, check if the lemon floats or sinks into the water. If the lemon floats on water, then you have no negative energies and evil eyes on your house, and if the lemon sinks into the water then you need to cleanse your house.
- Take a glass of water, pour some sea salt or rock salt in it along with white vinegar and lemon. You can take one glass each for all the rooms, kitchen and bathrooms of your house. After 24 hours, check the glasses, if you observe any kind of changes in the water like colour of the water, some kind of dirt or fungus in the water, then your house has some negative energies and if the water remains the same, your house is free from evil eyes and negativity.
आपल्या घराचे शुद्धीकरण करण्यासाठी उपाययोजना
- Add salt or alum to water and use it to mop your entire house, especially at the place where you feel most negativity. Repeat the remedy every Saturday.
- On Saturday night, take a small plate or bowl and place 5 cloves, 5 pieces of camphor and 5 pieces of cinnamon in it. Light them and allow the smoke to spread throughout the house. Once the smoke has dispersed well, place the remaining material on the terrace or balcony. Repeat this process for 5 consecutive Saturdays and all the negative energy and evil eye affecting your home will be removed.
- Cleanse your house with Ganga Jal or Holy Water every monday.
- Place alum in each of the corners of every room on Saturday, change it Saturday to Saturday.
- Bring a crystal ball or tree in your house and place it in the north or northwest corner of your living room, making sure the guests can easily catch the ball or tree. In that case, the negative energy and evil eye of each person coming to your house will be removed by crystals.
- Place any kind of mirror on the entrance of your house so that each and every person coming to your house drops their negative energy in the mirror and does not affect your home.